Care for Your Flowering House Plants to Promote Growth, Health and Beauty

Flowering House Plants


Orchids are exotic and dramatic, often seen as a mark of luxury and refinement. They are a large and diverse family of flowering plants with vibrant blossoms that can last all year round. Orchids thrive in bright but indirect light, and they prefer a high-humidity environment. It’s important not to overwater them – allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings keeps them healthy.

There are thousands of orchid species, but some popular types for indoor gardening include:

  • Phalaenopsis orchids (moth orchids)
  • Dendrobium orchids
  • Oncidium orchids

Each of these has unique care requirements and different flowering patterns.


Roses are classics in the world of flowering plants. They’re not just for the garden – miniature rose varieties make excellent houseplants. What they lack in size, they make up for with a potency of fragrance and repeated blooming cycles. Miniature roses appreciate lots of direct sunlight so place them near a south-facing window if possible.

Rose varieties suitable for indoor growth include:

  • ‘Child’s Play’
  • ‘Cinderella’
  • ‘Green Ice’

The care needs for roses are somewhat demanding compared to other houseplants. Regular fertilizing, careful watering, and vigilant disease management are essential to keep roses reaching their full and beautiful potential.

Caring for Flowering House Plants

Flowering house plants can bring so much joy and beauty to our homes. But they do require a bit of care to keep them vibrant and healthy.

Pruning and Trimming

When it comes to orchids and roses, Pruning and trimming is an art. With orchids, always prune them just above the node where the bloom started to occur. This will encourage the plant to send out a new flower spike. For roses, trim away dead leaves and spent flower heads to keep the plant looking fresh and help encourage healthy growth. When trimming, always use sharp, clean shears to prevent disease transfer.


Plant nutrition is crucial for a vibrant indoor garden. Orchids thrive best on a balanced liquid orchid fertilizer. Recommended applying every other week during growth periods. Roses, on the other hand, prefer a fertilizer high in potassium to support robust blooms. Applying a dose every two weeks throughout their flowering period will help maintain their vigor. Remember, always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to avoid over-fertilizing.

Pests and Diseases

Dealing with Pests and diseases is inevitable in caring for house plants. Keep watch for aphids and other pests on your indoor roses–they love the sweet sap. If you spot them, a quick spray of water or neem oil usually does the trick. Orchids tend to be pretty resistant to pests, but they can occasionally fall victim to fungi and bacteria. Ensure your orchids are appropriately ventilated and dried out between waterings to avoid these problems.


As our plants grow, they’ll occasionally need a bigger home. Orchids usually need repotting every two years or when the bark mixture starts to break down. Choose a pot with good drainage and fill it with a coarse bark mix suitable for epiphytes. For roses, it’s often best to repot in spring while the plant is dormant. Try choosing a pot that’s one or two sizes larger than the current one and use a good quality potting mix. Always ensure there’s ample drainage.

Caring for flowering plants can be an immensely satisfying endeavor. As we provide for their various needs and watch them grow, they reward us with beautiful blooms and improved air quality. A bit of effort goes a long way in keeping our indoor gardens vibrant and fragrant.